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viernes, 3 de septiembre de 2010

Camaleónica. No siempre.

"Some like it hot (Con faldas y a lo loco)", Tony Curtis y Jack Lemmon - Billy Wilder, 1959

Act 2 Scene 3
Open contryside near Gloucester's castle.


I heard myself proclaimed,
And by the happy hollow of a tree
Escaped the hunt. No port is free, no place
That guard and most unusual vigilance
Does not attend my taking. Whiles I may 'scape
I will preserve myself, and am bethought
To take the basest and most poorest shape
That ever penury in contempt of man
Brought near to beast. My face I'll grime with filt
Blanket my loins, elf all my hairs in knots,
And with presented nakedness outface
The winds and persecutions of the sky.
The country gives me proof and precedent
Of Bedlam beggars, who with roaring voices
Strike in their numbed and mortifièd arms,
Pins, wooden pricks, nails, sprigs of rosemary;
And with this horrible object, from low farms,
Poor pelting villages, sheep-cotes, and mills,
Sometimes with lunatic bans, sometime with prayers,
Enforce their charity. "Poor Turlygod! Poor Tom!"
That's something yet: Edgar I nothing am.
"King Lear" - William Shakespeare, 1603-1606


"The dark side of the moon" - Pink Floyd (The dark side of the moon, 1973)

2 comentarios:

  1. Qué ecléctica se manifiesta vuesa merced esta madrugada.

    Hacía mucho tiempo que no estaba en contacto con ninguna de las tres obras que aquí tienden a resolverse (de alguna manera) en la misma.

    La buena cuestión es que me ha gustado el resultado; tal vez algo recargado, culpa de la música, pero muy original.

    Buenas noches, Anastasia...

  2. Sí, quizá "recargado" sea la palabra exacta pero supongo que coincidrá conmigo en que, casi siempre, un estado no se somete a una palabra exacta.Gracias por su inesperada visita nocturna.
